The aim of the Swami Vivekanand Institute Of Technology & Management is offer to the students quality education in their respective areas. This is done by ensuring quality control and quality assurance, creativity and innovation in the delivery of the programmes through well qualified and experienced faculty members. The courses are regularly monitored and updated to incorporate new developments and as per the requirements of the industries. The ultimate aim of the Swami Vivekanand Institute Of Technology & Management is to make sure that you become a more confident, skilled and knowledgeable person ready to take your steps in an exciting and rewarding career.

Run By:

Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology & Management Regd. Under Society Act 1860 Govt. of NCT Delhi.
Incorporated Under The Legislation Of Govt. of India.
Establishment Recognized By:- Labour Dept, Govt. of New Delhi.
Affiliated By :- Ministry Of M.S.M.E. Govt. of India.

Mission & Vision:

Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment with opportunities for each student to develop the Technical skills & knowledge to become a social, responsible and successful citizen of India.
Creation of Human Resource pool with spectrum of technical competencies, while ensuring universal access to serve as an instrument of bringing about technological transformation.

 Swami vivekanand institute of Technology & Management
A31, 4th Floor, Dwarka Mor, Uttam Nagar,
New Delhi-110059,